Ten Skin Care Tips (Almost) Everyone Can Use

January 07, 2020

Ten Skin Care Tips (Almost) Everyone Can Use

Drink lots of water. At least 60 to 80 oz is recommended. Water makes all your organs function better including your skin.

For aging skin or excess skin, try dry-brushing at least three to four times a week. Dry-brushing removes dead skin cells and increases lymph flow which helps tighten the skin and improves skin tone.

Sleep on your back. Side sleepers often find that one side of their face ages faster than the other. Sleeping on your side can lead to saggy skin in the face and neck.

Do a sugar scrub three times a week. It's great for glowing skin.

For aging skin, apply and consume Vitamin C and E, as well as Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid. Obviously, everyone should also take a multi-vitamin.

Use a body lotion to help keep your skin moist regularly.

Massage crepey or excess tummy skin regularly. We tend to ignore the body areas we don't like but they actually need more attention.

For loose skin, work on improving your muscle tone underneath. Building up muscle will help push against loose skin and make it appear tighter.

Cellulite is a combination of fat and toxins. To improve it, you need to reduce the fat and toxins in your skin. Diet and exercise can help.

Rid your skin of toxins and look refreshed. Infrared Sauna is perfect to help you get a deep detoxifying sweat.

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